Age Division Specific Rules

Age Division Specific Rules

2-1 7U Division

  • 7U special live ball ruling
  • No stealing bases in any situation including past balls or overthrows
    • Once ball touches the infield the runner may only advance to the next available/open base. The ball will remain live and an attempt on a runner can result in an out.
  • Pitcher must remain behind the pitching machine prior to pitch being hit.
  • 5 pitch max - Batter is out after 5th pitch is thrown. An at bat may be extended if the 5th pitch results in a foul ball. There will be no walks.
  • 7U teams will use 4 outfielders.
  • Team must start a game with a minimum of 7 players at game time.
  • Coaches are allowed on the field during defense but must remain behind the outfield players.
  • Defense will be allowed only one team conference per inning.

2-2 7U AAA Division

  • Pitching machine will be used for all innings. No pitching will take place. Teams are encouraged to work on pitching during practice.
  • 1:10 no new inning
  • 6 innings max per game
  • 6 runs max per half inning in all innings
  • Pitching machine should be placed at approximately 40 feet from home or just in front of the pitching mound on a field with a 40 foot mound.

2-3 7U Single A

All leagues decide what level of pitching/pitching machine will be used in local league play. For crossover games played at the end of the year we will use all innings on pitching machine.

2-4 60 Foot Base Running Rule

When a pitcher is in contact with the pitcher’s plate and in possession of the ball and the catcher is in the catcher’s box ready to receive delivery of the ball, base runners shall not leave their bases until the ball has been delivered and has reached home plate.

  • Once the catcher has secured the ball and the runner has stopped his forward progress, the runner must immediately return to the base.
  • The ball remains live and should the catcher make an errant throw to the pitcher or make a play on the runner, the runner can then attempt to advance.

The violation by one runner shall affect all other runners.

  1. The base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached home plate and the batter does not hit the ball, the runner is permitted to continue
    • If a play is made on the runner and the runner is out, the out stands.
    • If said runner reaches safely the base to which he is advancing, all runners must be returned to the base occupied before the pitch was made, and no out results.
  2. When any base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached home plate and the batter bunts or hits a ball within the infield, no run shall be allowed to score
    • If three runners were on the bases and the batter reaches first base safely, each runner shall advance to the base beyond the one they occupied at the start of the play except the runner who occupied third base, which runner shall be removed from the base without a run being scored. NOTE: See exception following the rules.
  3. When a base runner leaves the base before the pitched ball has reached home plate and the batter hits the ball to the outfield, the base runner or runners are permitted to continue
    • If a play is made and the runner or runners are put out, the out or outs will stand.
    • If not put out, the runner or runners must return to the original base or bases or to the unoccupied base nearest the one left.
    • In no event shall the batter advance beyond first base on a single or error, second base on a double or third base on a triple.
    • The umpire-in-chief shall determine the base value of the hit ball.

NOTE: When there is a base running violation, the umpire should signal such infraction by indicating a delayed dead ball.

EXCEPTION: If at the conclusion of the play there is an open base, paragraphs (a) and (b) will apply.

2-5 8U Single A Special Base Running Rules

No stealing home on a passed ball or overthrow to pitcher prior to the first full week in May. Any attempt on a runner is a live play and runners may advance to any base including home. Starting with the first full week of May stealing home will be allowed.

2-6 Minor (10U) Single A

No lead off / No drop 3rd strike

2-7 9U AAA

Dropped 3rd strike will be enforced

2-8 10U AAA

  • This division will have 65-foot bases
  • Leadoffs are allowed
  • Dropped 3rd strike is enforced
  • Balks will be enforced from start of season

2-9 Major (12U) Single A

  • Lead offs are allowed
  • Dropped 3rd strike is enforced
  • Balks will be called but runners will not advance on the first offense during any game prior to the first full week of May. One warning may be given to each pitcher.

2-10 13U, 15U & 18U Single A Draft Rules

  • 13U & 15U teams are to be formed via a standard draft process to be determined by each individual league.
  • 18U teams can be formed by the following means:
    • Draft organized by each individual league
    • Formation by coaches/players and brought to a league as a pre-formed team
    • A combination of the previous two options

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